Sign our petition - Lend your voice
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Revelation (s) “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.”
General petition CLICK HERE
Christian Leaders petition CLICK HERE​​
Two different types of affidavits.
​Christian leaders​​​
We invite the following two groups of people within the Christian community who share our concern about supernatural changes, to help us get meetings with key decision makers by signing our petition. By signing you are simply stating to the world in writing that you believe the Bible is supernaturally changing.
​​Your support will help us in approaching various organizations with a strong foundation of documented evidence.
Christian leaders: Pastors, Church leaders, board members of denominations, Bible college stakeholders, influencers, stakeholders in Bible publishing houses, and Christian media.
General: This is anyone that is not specifically in the Christian leaders group. This 2nd affidavit includes a section for you to share your background and perspective on this issue. Be sure to include your vocation and significant accomplishments, awards or credentials. Don't be humble. Your participation in this is critical. Thank you for your help.
​God does not look on the outward appearance but man does.
It will be critical for me to be able to reference these testimonies when approaching decision makers within an organization. The more of them I have, the easier it will be to get a formal two-hour presentation with the board members of a denomination.
There are some, that might suggest that this is a fool’s errand. I have been told that this is a waste of time, and only those that God wants to see will see. But can you apply that same principal to evangelism? Are you just going to leave the blind lost souls to sort it out for themselves?
The same could have been said of Moses before he went into Egypt and started dropping those plagues on Pharoah. I have every confidence that the Lord will confirm His word with signs following. The walls of Jericho are nothing to the Great God Jehovah.
Click the links at the top of this page and do it today!​