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Wakeuporelse PMA 

A Private Ministerial Association

508(c)1(A) operating in the private

​​The Supernatural Bible Change Outreach to: ​


  • Christian Denominations

  • Bible Colleges

  • Bible Publishing Houses

  • Christian Media

  • Pastors

  • Large Ministries

  • Christian authors, podcasters, content creators, influencers


Table of Contents  (Click to go to section)


Detailed Overview





The discussion of whether or not the Bible is being supernaturally changed by the Mandela Effect is becoming impossible for church leaders to ignore. The continual massive influx of new people testifying to its legitimacy, new and shocking biblical paradoxes appearing in the pages of the KJV and other translations as well as new forms of corroborating evidence are forcing orthodox church leaders into the open.  


Church leaders have preferred to ignore the supernatural changes to the Bible and instead brand anyone espousing it as the heretical ravings of a few biblically illiterate deceivers, who’s pathetic voices are simply being amplified by the internet, but this characterization is becoming increasingly difficult to support.  More and more church leaders, influencers and authors are being forced to admit that the Bible is changing.

One example is Dr. Paul Grafton Holt BA, BTH, MA, DA. The widely acclaimed author of 12 academic theological books.  He is also the author of a book entitled;


"The King James Bible and the Quantum Effect."  


Dr. Holt is clearly stating in his book that the Bible is being supernaturally changed and I don’t think anyone would consider him biblically illiterate. His book is available on Amazon, and here is a link to his signed affidavit testifying under oath that he believes that this is a real phenomenon.


CLICK HERE for Dr. Holt's Affidavit


This means that any argument that is being put forward to explain why this is happening must apply to Dr. Holt as well.  If it is suggested that we are just confused and biblically illiterate, then you would have to make the case that Dr. Holt is also confused and biblically illiterate.

Almost all church leaders and Christians sharply oppose anyone testifying to this and are acting to silence the grow
ing number of conservative Christians that are claiming this is a legitimate phenomenon.  This outreach seeks to at least give the majority of Christians the right to choose for themselves.  


Church leaders, influencers, pastors: 

Please contact John Kirwin at



Outreach Overview

​My book, "The Mandela Effect Supernatural Bible Changes" is available for free on and is the cornerstone of a larger campaign to notify, instruct and support the last days church regarding the supernatural Bible changes.


This will be combined with weekly livestreams that invite the unconvinced to call in and make their case. We will also be reaching out directly to the different Christian organizations mentioned above once we secure at least ten, signed affidavits from Church leaders. We will use signed and notarized affidavits of prominent church leaders that testify to the authenticity of this event as leverage to secure our appointments and overcome objections.


Expecting to be denied, we will follow the instruction of Christ in Matthew 18:15 to escalate our interaction and insist that they meet with us.


Matthew 18:15

  • Vs 15 – “Go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone.”

  • Vs 16 – “But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more.”

  • Vs 17 – “And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglects to hear the church, let him be unto thee as a publican.”


We will hire a Christian social media marketing firm to manage our “awareness” campaigns. If I am denied an audience, we will instruct the marketing firm to begin posting targeted advertising to the constituents of the organization. If it’s a Bible school, we may also visit the school and personally hand my book to every professor and as many influential students as I can. 


If you tell your story often enough, eventually it falls to the right people. The Bible changes are not hard to discern if you don’t have an agenda. With this approach, we will quickly identify champions within the organization that will go to the leadership from within. I will call back a few weeks later and request a meeting again, and this time it will be different.


The leaders of the organizations listed above have a fiduciary responsibility to disclose this to their congregations, their students, their followers and their customers. The people need to know.


Although the unveiling of the Bible changes represents one of the most disruptive events in the church age, it can be the catalyst of a world-wide reformation that will touch the lives of an untold number of people. This is a redemptive judgment by God that is alerting us to the pharisaical lifeless intellectualism that many of us have fallen into. 


God is like the parent that feels unloved by their teenager, because they keep looking at their cell phone when they are with us. Eventually, the disrespect becomes so intolerable, that we take the cell phone away until they can learn to control themselves. As parents, we want them to learn to value their time with us and show us the respect that is due to us as their parents. For many, our Bibles have become like our children’s cell phones to God. Our Bibles and all of our knowledge have become enough for us, and we have become content with an outward show of religion.


I understand that very few of these leaders are going to want to meet with us, and if they do, they are not going to want to go public and warn everyone that it’s happening. We have eye witness testimony that certain denominations know it’s happening, and they have given express instruction not to mention it to their congregations. If this is the case, we intend to go around them.


Here are three examples of men of God that went around other people that were representing God.


  • Jeremiah 28: Jeremiah opposed the false prophet Hananiah

  • 1 Kings 22: Micaiah opposed Ahab’s prophets

  • Matthew 21-23: Jesus opposed the religious leaders.


This is the purpose of our mission. God has always had His witness in Babylon. We have a strategic plan to penetrate this religious matrix, and make such a loud noise that everyone in Christendom will be talking about it. God’s people need to be able to decide for themselves.


Visit the "Affidavits" tab on this website and sign it if you believe this is happening. Consider joining us financially so that we can get this book into as many people's hands as possible.




Every donation matters, no matter how small. Your support makes a difference! For large donations, please contact us via email to schedule a discussion. Wakeuporelse PMA is a Private Ministerial Association operating in the private as a 508c1 tax exempt organization.




CLICK HERE to Contact John


Monthly Partners:


One-Time Donations:

DO NOT make checks out to Wakeuporelse


Make check payable to John Kirwin

  • Mail a Check:

  • John Kirwin
    PO Box 4​

  • Clear Lake WI 54005







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Alt Coins CLICK HERE to contact John 




​​Problem Worth Solving


The supernatural changes taking place in our reality are not limited to people’s names, places, geography, etc.  The changes also include the Bible!  The supernatural Bible changes create a host of unimaginable doctrinal ramifications that are:

  • difficult if you are aware of them

  • perilous if you are unaware of them


Additionally, our research indicates that 98% of the body of Christ is unaware that the Bible is being supernaturally changed to fulfill end-times prophecy. Almost all attempts to warn believers and church leaders has been met with a bizarre blindness that is more baffling than the phenomenon itself.


1st Kings 18:21  “How long will you go limping between two different opinions? If the LORD is God, follow him; but if Baal, then follow him.” And the people did not answer him a word.”


Scripture changes include blaspheme, graphic sexual innuendo, biblical paradoxes, punctuation and grammatical errors, and all manner of confusion.


Our Response


Many of us that have reluctantly conceded that this is happening feel compelled to warn those in the body of Christ, especially church leaders.


Ezekiel 33:6

“But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet and the people are not warned, and a sword comes and takes a person from them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require from the watchman’s hand.”


A large scale, mass media awareness program designed to expose, educate and invite church leaders into having an open dialog regarding this topic. This outreach will have three phases.


Phase 1

Convince and convert ten (10) pastors, church leaders or influencers that the phenomenon is genuine, secure their agreement to sign an Affidavit of Truth, and obtain permission to use it publicly.


Phase 2

Use the affidavits to help establish credibility. Secure formal presentations with the stakeholders of all major Christian organizations within the body of Christ.


Phase 3

Advocate that church leaders provide full disclosure to their followers regarding this topic. Provide ongoing support and training to church leaders.



Phase 1 - Obtaining Affidavits

We will tell our story targeting pastors, church leaders and influencers, through various methods including:


–Direct, targeted bulk email

–Targeted social media campaigns

–Targeted advertising

–One on one conversations

–Direct correspondence

–Pre recorded educational videos


We will seek to find 10 influencers that will agree with us and be willing to sign an Affidavit of Truth and go public. Once we obtain at least 10, we will begin phase two.


Phase 2 - Approaching organizations

Using our affidavits to help establish credibility that our claims are not the rambling heresies of raving lunatics we will:

  • Begin contacting decision makers of the listed organizations by phone to request appointments.  Our goal is a 2-hour formal presentation with decision makers

  • Launch display ads and all manner of targeted advertising in print and electronic Christian media, blogs, articles, interactive quizzes, and videos.

  • Following the teaching of Christ in Matthew 18:15, if decision makers within these organizations refuse to review our research, we will implement a targeted social media campaign using a Christian social media company that will enable us to identify stakeholders within the organization that do acknowledge that this is happening.  We will enlist their support and this will enable us to revisit our request to meet with the decision makers. 


Target audience:

  1. Major denominations

  2. Large ministries

  3. Bible colleges

  4. Bible publishing companies

  5. Christian media


Phase 3 - Provide ongoing support and training

To support the response from the outreach we will begin scheduling;


  • Live weekly, call in webinars with Q&A for church leaders and influencers.

  • Live bi-weekly master-mind and support calls for pastors, church leaders and influencers.


Wakeuporelse is a tax exempt 508 (c) (1) (a) Faith Based Organization operating in the

private.  Section 501(c)(3) of the Tax Code is the section that describes charitable organizations that are exempt from paying federal income tax, including churches. Section 508 of the Code, which is entitled "Special rules with respect to section 501(c)(3) organizations," exempts those organizations described in Section 508(c) from the filing requirement or from restrictions regarding what we can say regarding politics.













Detailed Overview

Contact John


Social Media

  • Facebook
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  • Instagram

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